Monday, May 14, 2012

Sydney and Christie Visit

This weekend some of my bestest friends from Haverford visited me in Edinburgh! The majority of the photographs taken were on my friends camera, but I still have some beauties of us climbing Arthur's Seat. I've got to tell you- this time up was the most special of all. It was the best weather I've climbed it, so the view was amazing. And of course, the company was spectacular. I hope you enjoy the photos.

Christie and Sydney at the top of Arthur's Seat

It was a great time being able to catch up with them. Christie is studying this semester in Granada, which is in the south of Spain, and Sydney is studying in London. They definitely had an interesting visit, to say the least. For example, we frolicked on Calton Hill, came in last in the Drouthy Neebor's pub quiz, danced the night away at my school's nightclub, thrift store-shopped, ate way too much chocolate fudge, and braved another freak snowstorm to make burritos with my Edinburgh friends. It was sad to see them go after being reminded just why I love them so much, but I know I'll see them again at some point this summer. I'm just so lucky that they got to experience the city that I've come to love so much- and enjoyed it also! 

The three of us at the Big Cheese

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco De Mayo

Hello all!

Still in the midst of finals, so no real posts from me yet. I'm obviously studying super hard and definitely not goofing off at all. Obviously. See below.

 I just wanted to post to say Happy Cinco de Mayo. Having literally just recovered from some sort of stomach bug, I've decided to stay in, but I still cooked myself a somewhat festival meal.

Side note- NEVER EVER drink Buckfast. That's my one tip from me to you. Thank goodness we don't find this nonsense in the United States.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hi all,

I apologize for the radio silence, but for the past three weeks I have been traveling across Europe during my school's spring break (and reading period for finals). I will eventually tell you all about my trip, however, it is now finals and I must concentrate on learning all of the material I never bothered with this semester. Quite a challenge, I admit. So you will hear from me when my finals are over (May 11).

Until then...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


SUNBURN has never felt so good, nor been so welcome. I could not have asked for a more perfect day.

I woke up, went to class (ok, well it would have been perfect if I hadn't had class) then picnicked for 5 hours in the Meadows with my friends (and newly made friends!). We drank wine, which was accompanied with bread, cheese, prosciutto and salami. Makes a tasty sandwich, for sure. We chatted, I wrote postcards, we enjoyed the sun. It was really only meant to last two hours or so, and for some of my friends, that's all it was. But Kevin, Jordan and I were troopers and decided to stay out for as long as we could. (Hardly a challenge to stay outside.) They went off to buy beers and in search of a Nerf football while I chatted with Ranga, my Australian friend, and all of his UK friends. The boys and I played frisbee (where I successfully nailed an innocent bystander in the face) and then catch with a tennis ball. We contemplated eating dinner and coming back to the field, but by 6 o'clock the sun had worn me down and I realized I should probably start some of my homework. Some of us DO actually have papers to write. I pushed my paper writing back though, because a beautiful day such as today is apparently few and far between for this time of year so I wanted to soak it in.

Picture this: LITERALLY thousands of students (or young adults) all in one giant field, enjoying the sun. Hanging out with their friends, drinking, doing work, playing games- whatever they pleased. There were guitars, there were BBQs, there was everything. It looked like a giant festival- all because the weather had blessed us with 70 degree weather. Sure, I've seen Haverford's main green covered with a giant portion of Haverford, but that doesn't compare to what today was. Haverford's population could have fit in the sliver of grass I was sitting in and then duplicated time after time again. It was an incredible sight. THE COOLEST. And I was part of it! But then again, who wouldn't be? The sun is awesome.

[Sadly, my pictures couldn't capture just how spectacular the day was. I only took pictures when we first arrived, but as the day went on, it continued to fill.]

But anyway, after we parted ways, Kevin and I remarked how we both hadn't ran today and were bummed about it. Solution? We decided that we'd meet up in an hour and go running! Who cares that it would be 8? It was still light out! So Kevin and I set out on a run in uncharted territory which wound up being a run from Holyrood Park, to somewhere behind Calton Hill and past Princes Street until we wound up back at my place. Definitely a great way to end the day. 

Now I need to start working on my papers. So I'll bid you adieu. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

T-Shirt Weather!

SPRING! ITS ACTUALLY HERE! But apparently only for this week. So everyone is going crazy and enjoying it.

FRIDAY- A friend and I went to the FreshAir Festival, a student-run music festival of local bands (ranging from jazz bands to DJ club music to indie/folk). It was definitely one of the coolest things I've done in such a long time.  My friend and I hung out in the indie room most of the night, where we were joined by a few of my local friends. We chatted for a few hours and they left to go check out another room. Shortly after, we too changed rooms. We checked out the jazz room, which had a swing band playing when we entered. What fun music! Definitely a guilty pleasure of mine, so I was thrilled to hear the music live. Live music in general is just awesome. But the music festival really was such a cool experience. It was one of those times I reflected on how happy I am that I chose to come to Edinburgh for my study abroad experience. That the school I chose sponsors events like these.

 SATURDAY- Jordan had a friend visiting from Galway, so my posse got together to cook dinner and show her a nice night out. Our chicken vegetable stirfry was delicious and our night was (debatably) awesome as well. We club-hopped that night, starting at a free bar/club that was somewhat bizarre and then a 10 pound club where we only made it to the door and decided it wasn't worth the money. Our night was then spent wandering around the desserted shopping district of Edinburgh in the intense fog and finally stopping at McDonald's. Classy, I know. While our night didn't really go anywhere, it was a lot of fun, in my opinion.

[Side note- Yes, I'm wearing glasses. No, they aren't prescription.]

SUNDAY- The first warm day of spring! It was close to 70 degrees here (~67 I think) so Sonia and I decided to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather instead of working on our final paper. We checked out Calton Hill because Sonia had never been there and I hadn't photographed it when Matt was here. We hung out there for an hour or so, just enjoyed the heat, sunshine and beautiful scenery. We watched dogs play with each other, groups of students picnicking, etc. We then walked around Holyrood Park, my favorite place in all of Edinburgh (as you'd know if you've read my previous blog posts). We hung out by one of the bodies of water at the backside of the park for a while, with me lying in the grass. It was awesome. I still can't believe how beautiful it was out. It was tshirt weather- tank top weather even! At certain points of the day, if you were in the sun. It was SUCH a lovely day.

MONDAY- 67 DEGREE WEATHER AGAIN?! Jennie and I decided to get some work done in the little park inside George Square (our central campus). We were joined by several hundred other students also enjoying the day. I've been so happy and so in love with the sun that I think within a half hour of doing work outside, I did more work than I had in the last two days.

 I left Jennie, though, for something even more epic. Jordan, Kevin and I decided to go to the beach today. Not too far from the city center is Portobello, a beach town. The weather was just as nice, so it seemed fitting to go to some body of water. Also, we collectively have been realizing that our time here is starting to come to a close. We're attempting to see as much of our surroundings as possible. So Portobello it was! We spent a lovely few hours lounging at the beach, walking along the shore and playing (after buying) a frisbee. We played frisbee in a nearby park in Portobello where little boys played soccer. They noticed our presence and eventually realized we were American, which led to some pretty funny but inappropriate taunts. I was told I sucked at frisbee, which is the truth. No secret there. They told us to go back to America to President Obama and eat our cheeseburgers. Ouch, what a zinger... For some reason they really decided to pick on Kevin and told him to do some inappropriate things to "his missus" which we're still unsure who that meant. Possibly me? Probably since I was either called "missus" or "blondie". They eventually left us along, and we carried on to play on a deserted playground before catching a bus back home. 

 Now here I sit, typing this and thinking about 1. the paper I'm attempting to write 2. the picnic we're planning on having tomorrow. I am SO EXCITED. I think I may even be sunburnt. What a great day. And what a great day tomorrow will be. Sun and good friends.

Hope your day is as lovely as mine!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Alright, time to confess. You, not me. Which one of you was it? I received a package in the mail today (see below) that consisted of my name and address and that's it.  No letter saying who its from, no nothing. Just the contents of the package, which happens to be a very interesting dress. I love it! A strange dress from an unknown donor. Oh the intrigue! Please, if you can guess who sent me this, let me know. Reveal yourself! I want to thank you for the awesome surprise. 

Secondly, Kevin's surprise party for his 21st! It was a shocking success. Dinner was fabulous, the company was fabulous, and even the 'surprise' part of the party went well. He had no idea this was happening!

Side dish that went with dinner. SO AMAZING.

And would you look at that, its finally Spring! And starting to feel like it! (As in, its about 50-60 degrees F!) I don't have the proper attire for it just yet, though. My jacket is a tad too warm, but its no tshirt weather either. I need to find a nice somewhat thick sweater. Shopping spree?...


Our version of Founders Green

(I have to admit though, most of these photos were taken by my good friend Becca. I didn't bring my camera with me.)

Hope your spring is off to a great start!